Whether your application is for development, test, or volume production, we design to your requirements – drawing from our Tool Box to create a customized solution that adds value and reduces your time-to-market from prototype through production. We also have the following standard parts :
BGA Socketing Systems :
Socket Adapter Systems, Flip-Top BGA Test Sockets, SMT Adapters, BGA Interposers, SMT Value Added Services
Board to Board Connectors :
Mezza-pede SMT Connectors, B2BR SMT Connectors, Thru-hole Connectors, Right Angle Connectors
IC Sockets & Adapters :
SIP Sockets & Adapters, DIP Sockets & Adapters, Closed Frame LED Sockets, Decoupling Capacitor DIP Sockets, PGA Sockets & AdaptersImage Sensor Sockets
Package Conversion Adapters :
SOIC to DIP Adapters, PLCC to PGA Adapters, LGA/BGA SMT Adapters, QFP Adapters
Peel-A-Way Removable Carriers :
Terminals & Test Jacks, Test Point Pins, EMCR Terminals & Test Jacks